Hrank: Free Hosting Performance Analysis and Rating System

Hrank is a free rating system providing information on hosting performance. It is designed to collect statistics on how well a particular hosting provider has been doing recently in terms of uptime and load time. It also features reviews summarizing the feedback on hosting services found online. All the data collected is then combined to provide charts with hundreds of hosts.

There is no need to register: you can start using Hrank straightaway. Currently, the system monitors performance of around 300 hosting providers. Only shared hosting is included in their lists, so the system analyzes what is going on with the shared IPs belonging to a particular hosting company. To analyze data more efficiently and provide more accurate data, Hrank views 1 shared IP as an IP shared by 50 websites or more. In total, there are about 150mln websites being monitored, but only 12mln of them are used in making charts, because they are the only ones that are run using shared IPs with more than 50 sites per IP.

The system provides information on key parameters, namely uptime and load time (response time). By pinging millions of websites every day, it tracks servers to see whether a particular hosting provider is really characterized by great performance (something which is stated on virtually any hosting home page).

All the companies analyzed by the system are ranked from 0 to 10 with regard to their performance, reputation, history and several other factors.

Hrank: Free Hosting Performance Analysis and Rating System 1

For each hosting provider monitored, there are several charts. These include information on uptime for the past 30 days and the past 3 months, uptime for the past several months (actually, for the time the system has been existing – it is just that it is rather new, so the “All time” tab shows info dating back to August 2018), response time for the past 30 days and the past 3 months (again, there is the “All time” tab), and how many shared IPs (with 50 websites or more per IP) and websites this company hosts.

Hrank: Free Hosting Performance Analysis and Rating System 2

It also features information on how long a hosting provider’s servers have been down this month. Apart from performance values, there is detailed info on the history and reputation of and feedback on hosting companies.


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