Google Web Stories – The New WordPress Plugin to Increase Traffic

In the first week of July, Google announced the beta WordPress plugin. This new plugin is Web Stories, and it is generating a lot of interest in the world of digital marketing.  So what is this new plugin that everyone is talking about? What are the features? We bring you the answers today in this post.

What is Google Web Stories?

Google Web Stories is a new form of AMP or Accelerated Mobile Pages. It is a free and open-source content that allows users to view smaller sizes of content on the relevant stories. A typical page on Google Web Story has ten words in total, while the recommended size is from four to 30 pages per Web Story.  Videos can also be a feature in the stories. To make the best of it, videos should have captions and shot in vertical mode. 

Google Web Story allows publishers to monetize their pages through Google Ad Manager and affiliate links. It allows users to rank on top of Google search, images, Google Discover, as well as the App.

So, where does the plugin fit in?

The WordPress plugin is also a new introduction from Google. The plugin is also in the beta phase, much like the Web Story. The plugin is what will allow publishers to garner more web traffic using the Google Web Story format.

The full version of the plugin is set to be released in the summer of 2020. It will have full features, including animation and page attachment support, apart from smoother experience. 

Should you try the Google Web Story and the plugin?

As mentioned, both Web Story and WordPress plugin are in the beta state, so they do not have all the features. However, it is a good idea to try it out if you want to be ahead of the game. 

To download the beta, you can click here